Wednesday, February 6, 2008

count me in

I found a great new site today that I want to pass along. It is count me in for women's economic independence.

I found the site this morning after seeing a story on my local news about more and more women working from home.

The site is basically a site for women entrepreneurs. It has some great information for women who are considering starting or even those who have already started their own business. According to count me in for women's economic independence, they can help women in the following ways:

  • All woman business owners can join our online community and attend our live events throughout the country for access to education, networking and inspiration.
  • Woman-owned business at least two years old and at $250,000 dollars in annual revenue can apply for the Make Mine a Million $ Business award-- up to $50,000 in financing, plus coaching, marketing, mentoring, technology and more.
  • Woman-owned businesses under two years old and/or under $250,000 in annual revenue can apply for the Micro to Millions award-- up to $10,000 dollars in financing, plus coaching, marketing, mentoring and more.

The site is somewhat incomplete in a few areas. It looks to be a work in progress, but that definitely does not negate the wonderful information that is there. It is going to be an awesome site when it is complete, and it is a wonderful idea. I applaud Nell Merlino, Co-Founder/President & CEO 0f count me in, and the entire organiztion for putting assistance out there for women entrepreneurs.