I have previously mentioned Start Your Own Blogging Business by the Entrepreneur Press and J.S. McDougall, but it is worth more time than I have given it.
Start Your Own Blogging Business is by far the most informative book that I have read in a long time. I feel like most books are usually so vague, and tell me things that I already know, when I am usually searching for answers. That is not what this book does. It gives answers to all of the questions that I had about blogging.
The book is divided into five chapters, which are as follows:
- Chapter 1: "Planning Your Blog"
- Chapter 2: " Publishing Your Blog"
- Chapter 3: "Profiting from Your Blog"
- Chapter 4: "Becoming a Business"
- Chapter 5: " Final Thoughts"
Every chapter is very informative to me, but the most helpful is chapter 3. It gives information on how to begin your blog, generating traffic, and creating revenue. These are the things that people want to know about most often, and it does a great job addressing each topic specifically. It tells you where to go and what to do! Finally!
The book is not too long, only 88 pages (excluding the glossary and index), and it is an easy read. It took me no time to read at all, mostly because it kept me interested. For only $12.21, this book is well worth the money. So, if you have an interest in running a blogging business, grab this book. You won't regret it!